This film uses an interesting technique with it's sound design-leaving in large parts of dialogue in from the background. This makes you feel as if you are an observer-maybe you won't catch every plot point stated, but as this movie progresses you can still figure out what's going on. This technique in this movie allows you to infer what is going on rather than being force-fed every bit of information. I found this quite annoying at first, but I grew to love it. It allows you to learn more about Marlowe because you witness his interactions with anyone he crosses paths with. there is more room for interpretation on what kind of person he is.
Marlowe is a well written independent character. Within the first few minutes of the movie his quirky personality shines, and this quirkiness rolls over into the way he works. It makes for quite an entertaining private investigator-and a good one.
Overall, The Long Goodbye was a great movie.