Monday, April 19, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon


What an amazing film. This is my first film of Al Pacino's, and I'm incredibly impressed. What an amazing job.
I think my favorite thing about this movie is the way the filmmakers incorporated the light hearted humor into a serious situation by displaying the distinct personalities of all of the characters-even the crowd as a whole. This concept comes to the surface substantially when it is revealed that Pacino's character is gay. The crowd outside seems to be against him, and you can feel the tension with the hostages.
The filmmakers' views of the media are obvious. When Pacino was live on the phone with the news station, he was telling them things that they didn't want to hear, so the media cut off the phone conversation. And in my opinion it's true. The media only hears /streams what they want to, no matter if it's the truth or not.
Dog Day Afternoon did a fantastic job of displaying all of the social issues in the 70's surrounding this event and blending them together-The publics views on race, homosexuality and the media.

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