Monday, April 12, 2010

Jaws (1st draft)

From all of the hype I've heard about this film, I can honestly say that I was very surprised. I did not enjoy it as much as I though I would. Most of this had to do with the length.

in my mind the film was 2 halves- Learning about the shark, and the boat voyage to hunt the shark. I thought the beggining of the film and the set up were all fine and properly timed, but the voyage was dragged on way too long. The filmmakers gave you a chance to learn more about those 3 men and watch them as they bonded, but for me it deterred my attention from the main objective. But also, I was thinking of the movie more narrow mindedly. On one hand, their objective was to kill this man-eating creature, but on the other hand, this is a story of male relationships and rural vs. city thinking-the last two of which I had not though of.