Monday, April 26, 2010

An Unmarried Woman

A little confused from the start. This woman is married. Why are we learning about her life? Seems to be a pretty accurate portrayal of marriage-bouncing back and fourth between happiness and anger. The filmmaker makes you think that this is a great marriage. Then all of a sudden, in a split second, it's over. He's been cheating for a long time and is leaving his wife. Now we are into the story.

An Unmarried Woman really analyzes what a woman goes through after a breakup. You almost feel neurotic. I not only like Erica, but I really like all of her friends. You have the divorce' spinster, the woman who is in an unhealthy marriage but turns a blind eye, and the still bachelorette-and they all balance each other out perfectly. This movie allows you to see beyond the strong, happy front that women like this put on in a very real, personal way. This film was a lot more than I expected it to be by showing a woman stand by herself without a man in the 70's, after being married through a generation where male reliance was the norm.

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